Integrate School Calendars With Your Personal Calendar

School calendars contain important events that should be integrated with the family or personal calendar. Calendar tools like Tandem for Schools allow parents to sync the school calendar’s events with a personal web calendar like Outlook, Google Calendar, Cozi, or iCal. This eliminates the need to manually enter events into a personal calendar for parents.

However parents can’t just buy Tandem for Schools if they like the convenience of a comprehensive web-based school calendar. It has to be purchased by the school or district administration. That is why Intand (the makers of Tandem) in partnership with Cozi have developed a site for parents to vote for Tandem if they would like their school to consider Tandem as a calendar management solution. Parents can visit the site to vote and learn more about web-based school calendars at

From the Cozi blog:

If you wish you could magically have school calendar dates appear in your family calendar, you’re not alone! In fact, that’s the top choice of most parents when asked what type of calendar they’d most like to integrate directly into their family calendars. Imagine how much simpler life would be if you could automatically add school vacations, teacher conferences and early dismissal days right into your family planner.

Some schools already make calendars available to do that, but most schools don’t yet. That’s why Cozi is eager to introduce you to School Calendars Now ( School Calendars Now is working with parents to encourage schools across the U.S. and Canada to publish their annual calendars as Internet calendars (known as iCals) that can easily be added to the calendar programs parents use most, such as Cozi.